Friday, July 8, 2016

Quizz crack up

I've been doing quizzes and surveys to slowly earn a bit more pocket money lately. Sometimes I wash out of the survey for one reason or another. Yesterday was hilarious!
I was asked about my familiarity with various brands of cosmetics and fragrances. Then whether I used scents often. Then they wanted to know how many I had.  
I approximated 500 this isn't that far off- I have a lot of minis and backups and my Basenotes wardrobe lists about 480  .
 Computer response: that's too many for this answer blank.
This cracks me up.
I proceed to re enter 480 . It won't accept this truthful response either.
This cracked me up even more.
So. I fibbed and put in 99 in the blank. This works.
Next question: what ones do I have and wear from various high end brands?
I proceed to go down the list of brands and thoroughly check every one that I actually have and wear - I ended up with 120.
Computer has issues with this and basically accused me of lying. ( I had to howl some more)I needed to have less than I checked! It wouldn't let me correct it so I eventually just clicked out of the survey still cracking up . Had to post this- it's just too funny and too good to forget!